
Her kan du indsende en klage for følgende uregelmæssigheder: Forsinkelser, flyvetidsændringer, flyaflysninger foretaget af Corendon Airlines, nægtet boarding mod din vilje og beskadiget/mistet bagage.
Er emnet omkring beskadiget eller forsinket bagage?
Støder du på udfordringer omkring din bagage ved ankomst, fortsæt da venligst i henhold hvad du har behov for, hvad end spørgsmål og hvis du ønsker at registrere en ny ansøgning.
Populære spørgsmål og svar omkring beskadiget/mistet bagage
Inden du logger ind, anbefaler vi at du først tjekker vores side FAQ. Nedenfor kan du se de mest relevante spørgsmål og svar omkring mistet/beskadiget bagage.
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
I forgot my personal belongings on the plane, what should I do?
When you realize that you have forgotten your personal belongings on board after your flight, please contact the lost and found departments of the relevant stations. If your personal item is still missing, our Corendon Airlines LL (Lost Luggage) Team is always ready to assist you with your application.
Please login here.
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I forgot my luggage/personal belongings at the departure or arrival airport, what should I do?
In order to get information about your luggage and personal belongings that you forgot at the Departure or Arrival airport, please contact the lost and found departments of the relevant stations. You must pick up your forgotten luggage or personal belongings from the airport yourself.
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What should I do if my baggage does not arrive at my destination?
Firstly, we would like to apologise that your bags did not arrive at the destination. We will do our best to solve the problem as soon as possible.
Before leaving the arrivals hall at the airport you arrived at, you must obtain a Baggage Irregularity Report (P.I.R.) for your missing baggage.
Corendon Airlines is in close contact with ground operation services at all airports that will support the creation of your report record. Please contact the relevant "Lost and Found & Baggage Service" desk.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Baggage Irregularity Report (P.I.R.) is a mandatory document, and in cases where it cannot be submitted, there is no right to compensation.
Please login here to track your lost luggage case and send us the documents requested below:
- Baggage Irregularity Report (P.I.R.)
- Flight ticket
- Passenger boarding pass
- Baggage tags
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How can I check the status of my lost baggage?
Please contact the "Lost and Found & Baggage Service" at the airport where you made your report.
Our Corendon Airlines Lost Luggage Team is always ready to assist you with your application.
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What should I do if my baggage is damaged or something is missing?
Firstly, we would like to apologise that your baggage has been damaged.
At the airport you arrive at, before leaving the arrivals hall, you must obtain a Baggage Irregularity Report (P.I.R.) for your damaged baggage.
Corendon Airlines is in close contact with ground operation services at all airports that will support the creation of your report record. Please contact to the relevant "Lost and Found & Baggage Service" desk.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Baggage Irregularity Report (P.I.R.) is a mandatory document, and in cases where it cannot be submitted, there is no right to compensation.
In order for us to complete your compensation process quickly, you can send us the information you have and the following documents by logging here
- Baggage Irregularity Report (P.I.R.)
- Flight ticket
- Passenger boarding pass
- The baggage tag of the damaged baggage
- Pictures showing the damage
Corendon Airlines will not be responsible for the following situations:
- Baggage which a damage report cannot be submitted
- Baggage with a Limited Liability (Limited Release) label
- Scratches, scrapes, dirt etc. on the luggage.
- Baggage for which a luggage tag cannot be presented
- No-fly packaging
- Damages caused by the contents of the luggage (wetting / leaking / contamination / burning etc.)
- If you suspect that your baggage contents are missing, you should contact the police.
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Nødvendige trin ved bagageemner
For at vi kan gennemføre processen hurtigt kan du sende relevant information og dine dokumenterne ved at logge som klageinstans/advokatfirma eller som passager.
Har du været ude for flyuregelmæssighed?
Såsom forsinkelser på mere end 3 timer, ændringer af flyvetid, flyaflysninger af Corendon Airlines, meddelt mindre end 14 dage før, manglende mulighed for at få fordel af ekstra ydelser samt nægtet boarding mod din vilje.
Populære spørgsmål og svar omkring passagerrettigheder ved flyrejser
Inden du logger ind, anbefaler vi at du først tjekker vores side FAQ page. Nedenfor kan du se de mest relevante spørgsmål og svar omkring passagerrettigheder ved flyrejser.
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
My flight was canceled due to bad weather, what should I do?
Instead of a flight canceled due to bad weather on the day of the flight, you can make a free change to another flight on the same route depending on the availability of empty seats. Please contact our Call Center team.
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Can I file a complaint for all delays?
You can file a complaint for delays over 3 hours (except natural disaster, weather conditions, force majeure and strike).
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Flight time change/cancellation was notified to me less than 14 days before my scheduled departure, what are my passenger rights?
You can find passenger rights here. To file a complaint, please login to Account.
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Du kan også besøge vores relaterede side og læse om dine passagerrettigheder for ethvert problem omkring din flyrejse med os.
Nødvendige trin ved flyuregelmæssigheder
For at vi kan gennemføre processen hurtigt kan du sende relevant information og dine dokumenterne ved at logge som klageinstans/advokatfirma eller som passager.
Har du stadig brug for hjælp?
Ønsker du at vi skal behandle din forespørgsel i vores autoriserede kundecenter kan du besøge vores kontaktside. Her vil du finde relevante numre og vores åbningstider. Vores kundecenter team vil med glæde hjælpe dig.
Tilbage til kontaktKontakt
Lær mere om regler og regulativer, bagageomkostninger og forsvundet bagage.