Manage your booking

Here you can find all the details about your reservation, check in online, change/cancel your ticket, choose a seat, or reserve a place for your sports equipment and purchase additional baggage allowance.

Please enter your PNR and surname below to make your flight more comfortable with our additional services.

Enjoy your flight with the best experience

You can find all the transactions you want to perform for your reservation here.
View your booking

View your booking

View all the information about your flights connected to your Reservation number (PNR).

Check-in online

Check in online

Check-in is possible from 72 hours to 5 hours prior to the scheduled departure time.

Change your ticket

Change your ticket

You can change your ticket whenever you want according to the ticket type rules.

Add services

Add services

Travel with sports equipment, pets, extra baggage or select your seat. Let's customise your booking.



It is possible to cancel your ticket in just one click whenever you need. Don't forget to check the rules.

Important information for your travel

Learn about rules & regulations, baggage fees and lost & found.